These exercises should be done to keep your heart healthy
What do you do to keep your heart healthy? Control the food chess. He has various medicines. But you know, you can not only keep the heart healthy by eating medicines? To make the heart healthy, it is very important to exercise regularly. What do you do to keep your heart healthy? Control the food chess. He has various medicines. But you know, you can not only keep the heart healthy by eating medicines? To make the heart healthy, it is very important to exercise regularly.
Web Desk: What do you do to keep your heart healthy? Control the food chess. He has various medicines. But you know, you can not only keep the heart healthy by eating medicines? To make the heart healthy, it is very important to exercise regularly.
Exercise for a little while on a daily basis reduces our illness. The body is perfectly fit. We are also much better. Regular exercise, our heart is healthy. Various diseases of the heart are cured. Let's know, what exercises should be done to keep the heart healthy,
1) Aerobic exercise
- Regular aerobic exercise can mean running, jogging or swiming a few times a day. Blood transfusion is very good. The heart is freed from various problems. Read more, the Laksmanas will explain your heart attack!>>
एरोबिक व्यायाम को कभी-कभी "कार्डियो" के रूप में जाना जाता है - व्यायाम जिसे हृदय द्वारा ऑक्सीजन युक्त रक्त को पंप करने की आवश्यकता होती है ताकि काम करने वाली मांसपेशियों को ऑक्सीजन पहुंचाया जा सके।
एरोबिक व्यायाम हृदय गति और श्वास दर को एक तरह से बढ़ाने के लिए उत्तेजित करता है जिसे व्यायाम सत्र के लिए निरंतर किया जा सकता है।
एरोबिक व्यायाम तथ्य
2) Stretching
- Stretching is a very effective exercise to keep the heart healthy. Harmstrong Stretch, Quadriceps Stretch, Null Pool, Grain Stretch, Regular Practice, Our Heart Is Better
>> स्ट्रेचिंग के विभिन्न प्रकार हैं:
बैलिस्टिक स्ट्रेचिंग।
गतिशील खींच।
सक्रिय खींच।
निष्क्रिय (या आराम) खींच।
स्थिर खिंचाव।
आइसोमेट्रिक स्ट्रेचिंग।
PNF स्ट्रेचिंग।
3) Yogan
- There is no alternative to keep the body healthy, to keep the disease free. Regular Yoga can give you a disease-free body. Read more, a great good news for heart patients!
But keep in mind, do not do it yourself. Exercise should be added after consultation or consultation.
Web Desk: To keep the body healthy, it will not just play food and medicines. To keep the body healthy, regular exercise. If we exercise for a few minutes every day, we can reduce the number of diseases. We are a lot better. Regular exercise helps our body to stay healthy. It is through this exercise that many severe diseases are also cured. For example, regular exercise, our heart is healthy. Heart diseases are also cured.